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About Us

Progress Through Clinical Experience and Research

We, as two devoted fathers, passionately dedicate ourselves to the journey of understanding and supporting individuals affected by autism spectrum disorder. Believing wholeheartedly in the inherent worth and potential of every individual, we embark on a mission guided by compassion, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to learning through research.

Our commitment is rooted in the belief that autism is not a barrier but a unique pathway to be embraced with love and understanding. We steadfastly hold the conviction that autism is treatable and biomedical in nature, driving us to delve deeply into the realms of scientific inquiry and collaboration.

Through heartfelt interactions with fellow parents, we seek to build a supportive community where shared experiences and knowledge flourish. We advocate for a holistic approach to autism, one that encompasses both rigorous research and the profound impact of nurturing relationships.

Empowered by our belief in the transformative power of compassion and collaboration, we engage in lecturing and outreach efforts to raise awareness and promote acceptance. Our ultimate goal is to develop remedies that honor the diverse needs of individuals with autism, offering hope and tangible solutions for a brighter future.

Meet The Team

Our Portfolio

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