Did you know the following symptoms / traits in ASD correlate to biomedical dysfunction and can be immediately supported with significant improvement that follows. Skeptical? Read testimonials of those that have participated in microbiome balancing
Ammonia Excess
Nitric Oxide and Urea Cycle Burden: Presents as some or all of the following
Night Waking, Teeth Grinding, Episodes of Giggy laughter, Head Inversions or Head pressing
Can be supported to see improvement with amino acids like those found in Ammonia Away, however the root problem suggests a fungal, bacterial and or parasitic dysbiosis and overburdened liver.
Oxalate Burden
Oxalate can precipitate from Oxalic Acid - Originates from Fungal Overgrowth
Presents as some of all of the following
Grabbing of Genitals, Urinary Accidents, Urine Pain, Spontaneous Urine Accidents, Eye poking
Can be supported to see improvement with compounds like calcium citrate like found in Oxalate Relief, however the root problem suggests a fungal dysbiosis
Histamine Burden
Histamine Surges are Dominantly Produced from Mast Cells which are hypersensitive to stored internal toxicity, and LPS manifesting from dysbiosis.
Presents as some of all of the following
Red Cheeks - Wild reactions after eating various foods with Dyes - Dark Circles under eyes, skin reactions, or behavior directions to foods, perfumes and probiotics
Can be supported with Flavonoids which calm Mast Cells to see improvement with products like Histamine Halt, root problem can manifest from accrued toxicity such as LPS burden, heavy metals, or mycotoxins.
Mineral & Vitamin Deficiency
Zinc / Iron Most common & Adrenal Fatigue
Presents as some or all of the following
Mineral Deficiencies can cause eating unnatural things, rocks, wood, sand PICA, as well as Abnormal Smells and Sound Sensitivity. Sound sensitivity to loud noises may also be a sign of Adrenal Fatigue.
A broad Multivitamin Like Spectrum Max can provide a good base of B vitamins & Minerals which also promote Focus and Clarity. Adrenal Fatigue and Mood can be further Supported by Serene Calm.
Both These above can be supported to see improvement, Often the root cause stems from malabsorption from both diet and dysbiosis which affects intestinal villi absorption, toxic burden.
Constipation / Distension
Presents as some or all of the following
Fewer than 1 bowel movement per day, fluctuation in behavior around bowel movements, strain and struggle during bowel movement, incomplete evacuation, bloating, distension.
Broad Motility Support like that included in Mega Motility can itself assist with symptoms above and better detoxification, mitigation symptoms.
Other Symptoms or Traits are tangled in burdens in oxidative stress, intestinal permeability (Leaky gut), dysbiosis, immune dysregulation.
Motor coordination issues, Excessive Climbing, Mouthing of objects, hand flapping, tip toes, excessive drooling, purposeful dropping of objects, craving of sweets / carbs, pick eating, mood dysregulation, fear or public spaces, failure to potty train, cognition, expressive and receptive communication, motor planning, immune function, sensory activation.
These biomedical medical modes can be supported and improved by addressing the underlying issues of, vitamin deficiency, immune dysregulation, microbiome dysbiosis, and accrued toxic burden.
The above dysfunctions have been aided in the many participants of Microbiome Gut Balancing and their testimonials can be found here.